User's Guide

User's Guide

Trend Radar is based on an easy to use data input for its visualization. Editing the macro allows you to insert your data points to be depicted on the radar as CSV data. This makes the data input not only easy to understand and to adopt to, but also let you copy and paste your data easily into the Trend Radar.

The data input is based on the following structure and format. There are basically five columns, which are named quadrant, ring, name, and moved, where

  1. quadrant describes the part of the radar, the data point lies in. The set is specified as {Top Right, Top Left, Bottom Left, Bottom Right}.

  2. ring describes the ring assessment. It is the set specified as {INNER, SECOND, THIRD, OUTER} representing the rings from inside out.

  3. name is a string, which is used as the label for the data point in the Trend Radar.

  4. moved describes how the data point in the Trend radar should look like. It is the set specified as {none, down, up} where none represents circle and down respectively up represents a triangle in the given direction.

Let us assume we like to enter the expertise in Amazon EMR, a cloud-based big data platform for processing large among of data. We assign it to the top right quadrant, where technologies for data management are grouped in. Furthermore, the organization has a broad fundament of knowledge in this platform. Thus, we put AWS EMR as technology in the inner ring ADOPT. Finally, we like to have a circle for this data point.

Given this example, the data point looks like the following in the CSV format:

Top Right,INNER,AWS EMR,none

After saving our edit for this macro and also saving the entire page in confluence, the Trend Radar now visualize the data point, representing the knowledge and experience for AWS EMR.


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