Issue History Item Remover
Issue History Item Remover
Be able to remove individual history items of an issue as administrator.
Valid since May 25th 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) instructs companies to protect data and privacy of individuals. Jira's issue history also stores such data: what has been modified or removed when by whom. Everybody being able to view an issue can also view that issue's history. This also includes data, which are removed from issue fields like personally identifiable information (PII).
Independent from GDPR you can protect your users and customers from "hate speech" by additionally deleting undesired comments and field contents from the issues' history, too.
The "Issue History Item Remover" allows administrators to delete individual history items cleaning up data. Just project administrators and system administrators decide which history item contains ineligible information and can delete that explicitly: every history item the administrator deletes will be physically deleted on disk.