Administrator's Guide

Administrator's Guide


A system administrator has to click on Settings.png at the top right of the page and select Manage apps. On the left side the option Configuration under section GDPR-Bundle is available.


markierung_text_1.png In this section system administrators can allow Jira administrators to delete history items in issues, too. Furthermore, it can be set here whether the entries in the issue history should be deleted or only overwritten with a deletion note.

markierung_text_2.png If a user is deactivated, the avatar is automatically deleted, without any further configuration needed.

Before this option can clean up avatars when deleting a user, the configuration must be saved once.

Configuration Settings

First Execution

Date and time at which the app first scans for unused avatars. Earliest possible execution day is the day after saving the configuration.


The interval at which the functionality is executed. Available intervals are "hourly", "daily" and "weekly".

markierung_text_3.png In this section, system administrators can set whether personal activity streams are hidden in the profiles of the system users.

User view

Issue history deletion

To delete issue history entries, you will see a rubbish bin on the right-hand side of each history entry.


markierung_text_1.png Click to show the deletion dialogue.


Personal activity stream hide

As soon as the option to hide the activity streams in the user profiles is activated, you will only see your own activity stream in your profile. A profile in which the activity stream is hidden then looks as follows.


If the option to hide the activity stream is not activated, the profile looks as follows.


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